Biomechanical Assessment

In biomechanics, the structure, alignment, and function of the body as it moves are all analyzed in detail. If you have back pain, lower limb pain, or foot pain without a clear reason, a biomechanical assessment might be very helpful. A biomechanical assessment is the starting point for understanding the source of your issue, what treatment is required or whether additional investigations are necessary.

Why is Biomechanical Assessment Important?

    • Identifies the root source of joint and muscle pain.
    • Eliminates discomfort and pain.
    • Improves athletic performance and functional fitness.
    • Determine vulnerable areas BEFORE an injury happens.
    • Analyze muscular imbalances and resolve movement difficulties.
    • Creates long-lasting fitness instead of temporary abilities.


    Physiotherapists have received advanced training to detect biomechanical issues which can predispose you to injury

    Biomechanical analysis can involve:

    • Gait analysis, which examines your walking pattern
    • Analyzing your running form is known as running analysis.
    • Either motion capture or video analysis.
    • Sports biomechanics – sport-specific analysis.
    • Workplace analysis: a study of your work processes.


    At REV Rehab, we are committed to providing the highest level of care by staying up-to-date with recent studies, come visit us at REV rehab today!