Physiotherapy Treatment for Ankle Sprain
The term “ankle sprain” describes the weakening of the ankle ligaments. Ankle sprains are a common ailment that frequently reoccurs due to landing on an inverted or plantar flexed foot. 85 percent of ankle injuries are sprains, and 85 percent of sprains involve the ligaments on the outside of the foot. They represent 25% of all injuries sustained in sports. People who are overweight and less physically active seem to be at greater risk. Weekend athletes are also at a higher risk. The lateral and medial ligaments are most often affected.
Signs and Symptoms
After twisting their ankle, patients complain of discomfort. Usually, it happens when playing sports.
Patients will express discomfort on the outside of their ankles as well as varying degrees of swelling and under-the-skin bleeding (i.e. bruising).
A person may or may not be able to place weight on the affected foot, depending on the severity of the sprain.
How does physiotherapy help?
Proper care for an injured ankle might stop chronic pain and instability. There are three stages of rehabilitation needed for all ankle sprains, moderate to severe:
Resting, protecting, and reducing swelling in your injured ankle is part of phase I.
Phase II entails regaining your ankle’s strength, flexibility, and range of motion.
Phase III: involves performing maintenance exercises and resuming regular activities gradually.
Goals for the acute phase include reducing pain and swelling, preventing further damage, and permitting a protected gait as tolerated.
Follow these guidelines
Protect your ankle by staying away from strenuous activities that involve it.
- Rest your ankle by not walking on it.
- Ice the area to reduce swelling. To prevent ice burn, avoid applying ice directly to the skin and avoid rubbing it for longer than 20 minutes at a time.
- Compression can support and freeze your injury while also reducing swelling.
- Relax and raise the foot over the waist or heart to elevate it.
Relieving pain
Applying heat and cold treatment helps people relax more deeply and experience less pain. Ice should always be used after strenuous exertion and any annoying activity.
Consult our therapist for advice on how to get rid of an ankle sprain.